Thursday, April 20, 2017

Brain Fitness Final Debriefing

     Well, our last meeting with the lovely people at Brain Fitness Club has come and gone, and I can't help but feel rather disappointed that our time with them is done. I really felt like I learned a lot and remembered a lot of very important things during my visits.
   Though I only had a very brief time with P, talking and interacting with another person, from a different generation, and who is very similar to myself was a great experience. It was a bit difficult trying to keep a conversation going since both of us are reserved, but to find out that we shared a love for art really made my day. Mostly, it was heart-warming to see and hear all about his family and how they meant everything to him.
      Our visits also sparked some meaningful memories within me. In high school I was apart of a service club and even president for one year. Our club would often collaborate with the local Rotary Club, attend their meetings, do jobs together, and etc. It was there that I learned how important and fun conversations with strangers can be. Just a simple hello, a smile, a handshake can create a life long connection that can have a huge impact on ones life. Since I'd come to college, I'd forgotten about that.
     Going along with this subject, I never really realized how much of an impact I was having on the members of Brain Fitness by just talking and making a book for them until, some one told me about P's progress at home, and again at our final meeting. Just seeing the smiles of gratitude from all parties involved, really struck a cord with me. 


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