Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Brain Fitness Debrief #5

As the days pass, I find it's getting more and more difficult to find stuff to ask P without prodding too much into his life. Which ordinarily would be a bad thing, and in some ways it does hinder my ability to find ideas for a photo book, but in this case, it's actually a blessing. It means that P and I have breached that barrier of awkward first meeting small talk, casually exchanging interests and so forth. We've now reached a point where although our initial encounter is still kind of awkward, after we can easily break into idle friendly chit chat. And this has me very excited for my assignment because now I can get a better sense of who P really is if we're just talking casually and we don't feel obligated to maintain an appearance. But I am really more excited and happy for P because according to loved ones this is a real milestone for him. I personally didn't realize how much of an impact I was really having on a person until I heard that. So that really uplifted my spirits and now I find myself thinking back on that more often and I know it sounds cliche but I've embraced the phrase "It's the little things that add up that make the most difference." Who knew that meeting and chatting with someone for a few minutes every week could make such a ripple in someones life, and in your life as well ?

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