Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Day 2

     Day 2 of my Brain Fitness Club ventures went much smoother than the last. We were each paired up for a one on one conversation with a member of the club; although I was slated to begin with P,     I ended up with B, as P was unavailable. Nonetheless, B was a wonderful conversation companion. They brought in quite a few mementos and photo books for us to flip through, all of which illuminated the things that they found most precious. Music seemed to be in everything in those books, from sheet music to songs they wrote, pictures of them singing and passing on their musical gifts to others. But family was much more prevalent than the music; you could just tell by the way they spoke about each family picture and each member of their clan that family is everything to them. In a way, I guess I saw a bit of my future self in B(though normally the phrase goes the other way around). My family has always been a huge part of my life, they have shaped me down to the bone, and I know those feelings will only grow stronger as time passes and I start a family of my own. And looking at B reminds me of all the joy in my life that is to come.
      So next week, I should be paired up with P and I will have the pleasure of getting to know two wonderful people. I'm excited!


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