Monday, February 20, 2017

Kathleen Robbins - Into the Flatlands

For my photobook assignment, I decided to do my research on Kathleen Robbins and her photobook Into the Flatlands. Just looking at the title and the cover page makes me think that were about to go on an excursion somewhere exciting and unknown. Upon further inspection inside its pages, we come across a shock, as the photographs with in are anything but dynamic. They are flat, centered, and generic, nothing really special. Most of if not all of the photographs are the exact same dimensions and theres one photo per page right in the very center. At first glance it seems rather dull, because your eye doesnt move around to multiple frames. But after a few flips through, i realised what Robbins intent might have been. The fact that these ordinary photos are presented large and on one page, could only mean the artist wanted the viewer to take the time to look at all of the picturs before moving on; that although these photos are somewhat bland, they too are very important. The photos themselves then become super rich in context,  highlighting the land on which we live rather than the people that live on it. This is an interesting strategy that i could use for my memory book, as one photo can have a much bigger influence on the mind than a billion.

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