Thursday, February 9, 2017

Day 3

    Day 3 of my Brain Fitness ventures went just as well as the last. I finally got to meet one on one with P, my designated partner. And of course, at first it was a little awkward to find questions to ask, but once we got started with a conversation it was easy to continue or to branch off and start a new subject. I learned quite a few things about P Tuesday. P worked for a company for such a long time that he was able to help it grow from a small, fledgling store to an international brand. That's quite the accomplishment! As a result of his employment, he was able to travel to many parts of the world, places that I personally would love to visit; I was really jealous. Just from our brief encounter, I wasn't able to decipher many things about P, except that he loves his family very much, they mean the world to him, and that his job brings him great pride. Well we'll see how much I can learn about P next time.

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